What to do when you’re not craving veggies but feel like you *should* eat them 🥕 🥦🥒🌽

Maria Scrimenti
3 min readOct 7, 2022

Do you ever go through phases where the thought of eating vegetables just doesn’t appeal to you?

You’re concerned because you feel like you should be getting your daily dose of vegetables, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it.

If this has ever happened to you, it’s honestly pretty normal, and it’s usually temporary.

But while you’re in that season of vegetable resistance, here are a few things to consider to make it a little easier on you…

1. Should you just force yourself to have them?

I wouldn’t. Force- feeding is self-punishing. If you’re not feeling veggies right now, it’s ok. Trust that your body will crave them again, after it’s gotten whatever it needs. In the past, you’ve probably gone through cycles of craving a lot of veggies, and you’ll likely have one of those cycles again. But if you try to force it, it’s just going to push you further away from being able to integrate vegetables sustainably.

2. Get this out of your system.

If you’re craving more treats or more “comfort foods” right now, let yourself have them. What you resist persists, and if you keep telling yourself to make healthy swaps when you’re really not interested…



Maria Scrimenti

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Health & Wellness Coach in Nashville, TN helping women make peace with food and their bodies.